Snake Shape-Shift Full Moon | Eclipse 2023

On Saturday October 28th at 1:24 PM Pacific Time we have a partial Lunar Full Moon eclipse in the Snake sign.

Audio Transcript: Snake Shape-Shift Snake Full Moon | Eclipse 2023

Snake Shape-Shift Full Moon Lunar Eclipse episode

Hello to all my lucky readers and listeners! Welcome to the Snake Shape shifting Full Moon Eclipse. Recently on hiatus unexpected events delayed completion of my last two Podcasts. I’ll be back in November and for now here is a little snippet.

I’m missing you all and sharing what the Sun, Moon and Stars have to say. Your patience is appreciated. You’ll can find more details about your Lucky Stars on I’ll be back in production come November and until then wishing you Stellar vibes and lucky lives!

Snake Full Moon | Lunar Eclipse

On this glorious Full Moon partial eclipse be aware that everything is not always as it seems. Snake rule incomes and the financial sector in the Southeast on the compass. Markets could roil and twist in the wind with this Full Moon Shape-Shifter and mismatched cosmic sock.

Why is this Full Moon eclipse a mismatch? The previous Ring of Fire Solar eclipse in the Dog October 14th set the stage for this unusually strange event. Normally a Dog moon pairs with a Dragon but due to the elliptic shift this summer it lands in the Snake.

Snake does not align with the dog on the grid giving us a rarity in cosmic events. Snake’s are mesmerizing charmers and temperature sensitive. They can shed a skin and camouflage their presence in surprising ways. They can strike without warning so use caution.

Full Moon’s bring things to the surface so we can see more clearly what we didn’t know. Snakes unravel mysteries previously unresolved. Get ready to experience this delightfully different Snake moon as we approach Hallow’s Eve and Spirits rise!

Recent Past | Dragon Super Full Moon

This Full Dragon Moon marks the Mid-Autumn Mooncake festival. This ancient festival uses lanterns to light a path to prosperity and good fortune. The celebration of the harvest comes every year on the fall equinox.

During the harvest fest its common to burn incense with prayers and make offerings for safety and luck to Chang’e the Moon Goddess. Chang’e is a female deity. She’s a heroic protagonist in a mythic love story who holds the elixir of immortality and lives on the moon.

Dragon Full Moon | Mooncake Fest 2023

This Dragon Full Moon marks the Mid Autumn festival. It’s is a happy occasion to gather with friends and family to enjoy sweets, treats and spend time together. Our Dragon moon ushered in a change in seasons with a cyclic, nostalgic nature.

Venus Lilith Conjunct

As soon as this last Super Moon reached it’s peak planet Venus started another rollover on Dark lady Lilith. This happens on a Zodiac border between the Monkey and the Bird affecting our musical talents and accountability as well as relationships. Be careful you don’t get burned.

The collision between these two feminine energies brought us a scorched Earth on August 8th. This time Venus is going in forward on her elliptic path giving us silver linings and blessings in disguise as we experience Lilith’s wrath.

But make no bones about it between October 6th and 8th it can bring life altering events with dark energy that can overtake us in this period. Lady Luck Venus and Dark Lilith enter the Bird sign in tandem and extreme caution is advised. What is done can’t be undone.

Mars Pig

After the Dragon Moon fades Planet Mars enters the Pig zone just-in-time for Dog’s Solar Eclipse October 14th. Mars continues an energetic, fiery transit as we leave October on a Full Moon lunar eclipse in the Snake and for most of November too.

While Mars visits the Pig issues of life, death and rebirth will flare up and intensity levels increase! Mars ignites passionate relationships, uncovers dark secrets and reveals hidden treasures In the Pig Mars can spark radical clashes with volatile chemistry.

While Mars visits the Pig look for ways to manage resources and generate goodwill. The Pig rules Banks and hard assets. Mars is pure yang energy. Hot potato topics and rashes will flare up. Keep your cool and hold your fire.

Monthly Flying Stars | October 2023

The monthly Flying Stars change on or about October 6th. In October the Fire Star 9 flies to the Heart Center. The Ripening Star brings a chance to be fulfilled and get some satisfaction. The Ming Tang flies in the Southeast, South and Southwest.

This brightens prospects and opens windows of opportunity for Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat and Monkey signs who will see incomes increase and profiles improve. Business relationships will blossom and love will grow strong.

The Sum of Ten Lucky Special lands in the Northeast to take the edge off the fighting Star. Career change is challenged in the North and the Illness Star rattles the West. Use protective amulets to overcome this negative Sha Chi and crystals to energize positive aspects.

Tale of the Yak | Pluto Direct

Finally Pluto goes forward on October 11th. This draws a close to Pluto’s sojourn back into the Scared Ox sign. Pluto is a planetoid in the farthest reaches of our solar system. He’s a small rock in a remote place and the Ox is the Shaman of the Zodiac.

While in the Ox Pluto brought generational changes in spiritual matters. Pluto’s back bend reset the corner stone of our bedrock ideals. It does so by a process of agitation and reshaping. Now forward in the tail of the Ox Pluto makes a slow return to the Tiger sign in early 2024.

Pluto’s crucible is micro in scale and macro in influence. Small changes equals big effects. Over the long-haul Pluto won’t be back to the Ox for another 248 years. Ox is part of the Mystic Triad and Pluto’s influence uses Fate’s hand to shift the tide to comport with a common good.

Dog New Moon Sun Total Solar Eclipse | 2023

On October 14th Earthling’s will experience a New Moon Sun Total Solar eclipse in the Dog sign. This ring of fire is a hoop we must get through.

While in an eclipse corridor between October 14th and October 28th unexpected elements can pop-up randomly in a startling manner. Reserve action and judgements if at all possible. Cosmic distortions are in effect and can be misleading. If at all possible wait to act.

Pig Sun | 2023

The Sun enters the Pig Scorpio sign on October 23rd. Happy Birthday and Solar Return for all my Pig signs. This is your time to shine as the Sun transits your sign. Pig is part of the Compassion Triad with Hare and the Goat signs.

Tiger is Pig’s secret buddy sign and the Blue Rat is Pig’s Peach Blossom sign. While the Sun is in the Pig sign resources and adventure are highlighted. Pigs super power is passion and you can find yours while the Sun shines in your sign!!

Lucky Stars

The Zodiac Muse is hosted on the website. We invite you support and the Zodiac Muse by liking, sharing, following and subscribing.

Stay tuned for more good fortunes on the Zodiac Muse podcast at Until the next episode here are all your Lucky Flying Stars for the Zodiac signs on the Bird New Moon and Sun.

Lucky Rat

Rat | Sagittarius

Lucky Rat and Snake are not at odds or connected in any special way but they seem to always find a way to bide their time.

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Rats have the Unlucky Accident Star 5 called the Icky yellow for tits troublesome effects. You’d do well to stay quiet and reduce activities to avoid disasters, Stay away from crowds.

There are no Planets and Aspects for Lucky Rat at this time. In the chart Rat is now on an upswing so enjoy your improved elevation in status.

Lucky Ox

Ox | Capricorn

Lucky Ox and Snake are part of the Mystic Triad with the Bird sign. These two get along just great and will support each other and keep the home fires burning. As partners or a couple they can find happiness everlasting.

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Ox have the Unlucky Fighting Star 3 causing distress and bringing challenges. Keeping quiet and holding your fire is the best course of non-action.

Planets and Aspects for Lucky Ox have the Ascendant horizon at 13 degrees and Pluto at 27 degrees. Ox will be plodding a pathway forward from a very rough patch. This requires bold change on a new forward trek so get out of the rut to uncover progress.

Lucky Tiger

Tiger | Aquarius

Lucky Tiger and Snake are apt to get along in groups and with families but the rarely cozy up to make a long term alliance. Snakes are wary of Tiger’s swipe and Tiger is cautious of snakes bite. Watch your step.

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Tiger have the Unlucky Fighting Star 3 bringing clashes and causing commotion the best recourse is to keep out of others people’s quarrels and stay mum about it.

There are no Planets and Aspects for Lucky Tiger but Saturn at zero degrees will hover at the tail of the Tiger to return lost objects, opportunities or unfinished projects. The Ghost of a chance may come back to find you.

Lucky Hare

Hare | Pisces

Lucky Hare and Snake are two peas in a pod. These two can keep the romance alive longer than anyone else every projected. They are socially well suited and their stylistic reverence is almost a religion. They’ll stick like glue or gum on your shoe holding on for a dear life.

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Hare has the Unlucky Danger Star 7 that can cut into finances. Best way to overcome this setback is to make reductions by reducing what you don’t need, willingly.

Planets and Aspects for Lucky Hare have Neptune at 25 degrees. This gives Bunnies a chance to fill their cup and be satisfied. The planet Neptune’s made a long and complex trip through your sign and now the higher octave of love is fully refined.

Lucky Dragon

Dragon | Aries

Lucky Dragon and Snake are neighbors and cohorts. They can bind their odds and take their chances but they are not suited as a loving couple or a long term partnership. Instead they are often found in the same boat they need to keep afloat.

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Dragon have the Lucky Wealth Star 8 bringing treasures to Dragon’s cave. Prepare to receive.

Planets and Aspects for Lucky Dragon Have Chiron at 16 degrees retrograde and the Node at 25 degrees. With this combination you get a zipper being pulled apart or connections that don’t add up. It maybe made to hold for a bit but it’s not going to stick.

Lucky Snake

Snake | Taurus

Lucky Snake and Snake are not generally found bound as one. This can work when the objective is crystal clear but when things are murky snake adapting to their environment and that can means what-was is not now, what-is.

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Snake have the Wealth Star 8 adding boon to the bank and boosting your profile with a bonus round!

Planets and Aspects for Lucky Snake have the moody Moon at 5 degrees, Jovial Jupiter retrograde at 11 degrees and unpredictable Uranus grinding backward at 21 degrees. It’s a volatile mix. However this kind of chemistry can produce miracles and big magic.

Lucky Horse

Horse | Gemini

Lucky Horse and Snake are in the same zone but not on the same page. They can go along to get along but often part ways at cross roads emerge up ahead. This combination can be ephemeral.

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Horse have the Lucky Peach Blossom 4 Star to show support and add social luck to brighten your days. Go for it and enjoy the company perks.

There are no Planets and Aspects for Lucky Horse who is riding low on the back of the chart. Take things slow and go at your own pace.

Lucky Goat

Goat | Cancer

Lucky Goat and Snake are good enough as friends but don’t form a bond for lasting happiness where home fires are toasty and a bit too lofty.

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Goat have the Lucky Victory 6 Star bringing ships to shore laden with goodies galore.

Planets and Aspects for Lucky Goat have the Part of Fortune at 13 degrees bringing money to your bank account and values to your relationship status. Pass go and collect your spoils.

Lucky Monkey

Monkey | Leo

Lucky Monkey and Snake are super-secret buddies as confidantes and collaborators. They can forge long lasting happiness and make excellent partners for success unlimited!

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Monkey have the Lucky Victory Star 6 showcasing your talents with awards and trophies to add to your mantle.

There are no Planets and Aspects for Lucky Monkey at this time. Monkey is on a back swing and catching his balance. Hold your on tight and don’t cross the line.

Lucky Bird

Bird | Virgo

Lucky Bird and Snake are part of the Mystic Triad with the Ox sign. Snake and Bird are good home builders for a long term commitment and a simpatico vibe for a truly happy personal relationship and/or a successful career advantage in any chosen field of dreams.

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Bird has the Unlucky Illness Star 2 bringing difficulties and drama. Best to stay close to the nest, get extra rest and scale back activities to avoid distress.

Planets and Aspects for Lucky Bird have Dark lady Lilith at 2 degrees and Lady of Love and Luxury Venus rolling thunder at 18 degrees. The worst has done its damage and now it’s time to find ways to mend fences and restore peace.

Lucky Dog

Dog | Libra

Lucky Dog and Snake are not aligned. They can find common ground and stay focused on a greater good but they are not of like minds. Yet here we have them forming an unlikely combination as an eclipse pairs. Such as it is they will need to build a bridge.

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Dog have the Lucky Love and Money Star bringing miracles and resetting a harmonic baseline. This Star loves to sparkle and shine so polish your assets.

There are no Planets and Aspects for Lucky Dog at present. Dog is riding high on the top of the chart but without a crown so things might feel a little upside down. If your ego can handle playing second fiddle or taking a supporting role then let the good times roll.

Lucky Pig

Pig | Scorpio

Lucky Pig and Snake are in opposition on the Zodiac grid and they will always be a world apart. Yet they also form a strong alchemy in the psychic realm. The dynamic of magnetic polarity they generate is what holds everything together.

Monthly Flying Stars for Lucky Pig have the Lucky in Love Star with Money and Miracles to boost your efforts and increase your magnetic appeal. You’ll find the key to the castle and open the door. Let Spirit guide you to your heart’s desire.

Planets and Aspects for Lucky Pig have a full house and plenty of drama with the Sun increasing status at 5 degrees, Mercury delivering messages at 10 degrees, Mars blazing glory at 11 degrees and the Crown jewels at 12 degrees. This is a solid straight for a slam dunk win!

Stay Tuned | Coming Soon

More Good fortunes for you! The Dragon Moon cake festival starts on the Dragon Full Moon at the end of September!! Celebrate the season of change with a happy gathering for family and friends. In October eclipses are coming, stay tuned!

November | 2023

  • Saturn direct at Zero degrees between the Tiger and Hare November 4th
  • Monthly Flying Stars change on or about November 6th
  • Pig New Moon with a Zero Saturn on November 13th
  • Sun enters the Rat on November 22nd
  • Full Horse Moon on November 27th

Stay tuned to the Zodiac Muse and all your Lucky Stars and more good fortunes coming soon!

The Zodiac Muse podcast is available on Apple podcast, Google Play, Audible, Amazon Music and all your favorite podcast directories. You can find the transcript and curated arts for each episode on

Protect and Preserve our One Earth

China Rose is your Zodiac Muse reading the Sun, Moon and your Lucky Stars for all the signs on the compass grid. You can support and the Zodiac Muse podcast by sharing, subscribing, following and please leave us a review. We appreciate you!!

Arigato ~ Namaste

Zodiac Muse original content is created and produced by China Rose under a SAG-AFTRA Micro-Pod contract agreement. Every conceivable right is reserved. c. 2023